Class size limited to 8 students.$100 deposit required when registering.The deposit is not refundable or transferable.
Register here or over the phone 917-209-5644
Advanced Wheel Throwing
If you're dreaming of recreating a scene from Ghost, that's a different class. But if you've got more than your share of cereal bowls and coffee mugs, and you're thinking it’s time to tackle some more complex shapes and interesting techniques, then this is the place.
This class will continue to broaden your wheel skills, concentrating on larger and more complicated shapes and forms. We will begin by throwing taller cylinders for bottles and vases, and spend some quality time creating closed and lidded pieces. We will also create compound pieces by joining multiple thrown or handbuilt components.
Finally, we will consider how much clay is the right amount needed for each piece, and become more discerning with regard to proportion and design, .